Video travel
Web / New Media

Shakespeare Republic
#AllTheWebsAStage (The Lockdown Chronicles)
Director Sally McLean
Runtime 6:00
Completion Date:July 31, 2020
Filmed in lockdown during the global pandemic of 2020 … Twenty four souls, six cities – one shared experience of being human.
Using Shakespeare's original text and characters, we shine a light on the human experience in a COVID-19 world.

Brazzy Jazzy
Director Steve Becker
United States
Runtime 4:35
Completion Date:March 6, 2019
When a Brazilian Girl takes on the NYC fashion world, the her adventures are sometimes sexy, often funny, but always Caffeinated! It's Jane the Virgin meets Girls, only an outsider immigrant version - more like Girls of the 3rd World.

The Crimson Beret
Directors Aleksandr Korolev, Gennadii Ternovskii
Russian Federation
Runtime 0:57
Completion Date:December 1, 2021
The Crimson Beret is a story about modern-day Spartans, fearless and invincible warriors, real men, as well as the beautiful, wise women who support their soldiers with the power of love to inspire their men’s feats.