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Video travel
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The way God wants people to be..

Director Giorgi Tkemaladze
Runtime 4:27
Completion Date:

Georgia is a little country where the people of many religions and nationalities are living together in a harmonious and respectful way. They together create interesting culture.This is a small country with a great heart. this culture and tradition reveals peoples love, here is description their respect to each other, and the way they live…


Rab Island ''The Another side'' full of

Rab Island ''The Another side'' full of Experience

Director Sanjin Badurina
Runtime 5:00
Completion Date:March 1, 2020

The film shows the island of Rab and its peculiarities in two completely different climatic characteristics. The first part of the film shows the beauty of the landscape nature and the Mediterranean climate of the island in the period from April to October. The second part of the film shows the island from November to March. In these months, the Mediterranean climate changes into a completely different climate and shows its other face, ie the island of Rab then changes into a different beauty. It is up to the guests to experience the island in those months and feel the way of life on the island in those conditions and not just in the summer months.

Web / New Media
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Shakespeare Republic

#AllTheWebsAStage (The Lockdown Chronicles)


Director Sally McLean
Runtime 6:00
Completion Date:July 31, 2020

Filmed in lockdown during the global pandemic of 2020 … Twenty four souls, six cities – one shared experience of being human.
Using Shakespeare's original text and characters, we shine a light on the human experience in a COVID-19 world.

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Brazzy Jazzy

Director Steve Becker
United States
Runtime 4:35
Completion Date:March 6, 2019

When a Brazilian Girl takes on the NYC fashion world, the her adventures are sometimes sexy, often funny, but always Caffeinated! It's Jane the Virgin meets Girls, only an outsider immigrant version - more like Girls of the 3rd World.


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The Crimson Beret

Directors Aleksandr Korolev, Gennadii Ternovskii
Russian Federation
Runtime 0:57
Completion Date:December 1, 2021

The Crimson Beret is a story about modern-day Spartans, fearless and invincible warriors, real men, as well as the beautiful, wise women who support their soldiers with the power of love to inspire their men’s feats.


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