
Director Sohyun Han
Republic of Korea
Runtime 01:14:05
Completion Date: June 7, 2019
There is someone who holds me to contemplations in every moment of my repetitive daily life. I put reins and shackles upon myself, standing before His love through pain. I strive today as well, to know Him as I fight myself off in the extension of similar situations and experiences I have been in for the past 38 years of my life. The belief that true freedom of soul and genuine comfort which cannot be replaced with anything could be enjoyed, in the end of the pain that comes from thrusting myself upon the bottom ground! At this very moment with this opportunity, I am full of agony as I ask questions and answer them. Agony becomes sheer delight with the word Amen.

Director David Thompson
United States
Runtime 7:07
Completion Date: July 1, 2019
A traveling man learns of his mother's degrading health through a series of voicemails.
Long Distance

Director Christy Walsh
Korea, South
United States
Runtime 05 minutes
Completion Date: 2015 - June
This particular work originated in a dance in which the costume constructed for the occasion determined the kind of movement that I would do. This process continued through the construction of another costume influenced by the Korean Bogaji; gift-wraps that are created from sewing together fabric scraps.

Director Perrine Liévois
Runtime 29 minutes
Completion Date: 2019 - January
Obsessed with herself, Emma observes the others absent-mindedly.

Director Martin Reinhart, Virgil Widrich
Runtime 5:05
Completion Date: October 10, 2018
What happens in a cinema when you film it at a resolution of 10K with a 360° camera and then reverse the spatial and temporal axes? In a way never before shown, "tx-reverse" shows the collision of reality and cinema and draws its viewers into a vortex in which the familiar order of space and time is suspended.
tx-reverse 360°

Director Brad Cooper
United States
Runtime 26:37
Completion Date: June 13, 2019
The Quickening is a visual album spoken-word journey from the bottom of the sea all the way to the Pleiades Star Cluster. Featuring the poetry and performance of award-winning multi-hyphenate artist Rachel Kann, this is more than a film, it's a ceremony.
The Quickening

Director Eli Hayes
United States
Runtime 01:57:00
Completion Date: May 7, 2019
Upon returning to Nashville, Tennessee after spending the summer in northern Florida, Eli Hayes, still in the grips of depression, sunk into the isolation of his apartment and continued to close himself off from the world. Nearing a state of agoraphobia, Hayes once again turned to his camera, and the act of capturing images, as a therapeutic means of reengaging with his surroundings. “Static After Summer” is a slow landscape film in two parts, examining the textures of nearby environments through gradual expressions of light, color, movement, and sound. The images presented are illustrative of the eye, while the audio presented is illustrative of the mind: somber synths, and periodic noise from the external world attempting to force its way through Hayes’ emotional shell via the path of memory. The result is a dissonance between what is seen and what is felt, in an attempt to capture the inharmoniousness of the world’s beauty and the pain of unhappiness.
Static After Summer
Silent Films

Director Cameron Moon
United Kingdom
Runtime 7:22
Completion Date: February 28, 2019
Short, hypnotic silent film about a distraught man's brief encounter with a beautiful passing stranger.

Director Davide Como
Runtime 12:44
Completion Date: May 1, 2019
"Glenda does not belong to that world, yet it makes it a better place. To survive the thorns of the road, Glenda listens to music with her inseparable portable radio, building and taking refuge in a world of music, dance and flowers: a world where even thorn roses are appreciated and where his mother never really left."

Director Nicholas Ovcharov
Runtime 7:44
Completion Date: March 15, 2019
An astrophysics professor leads a lecture about a black hole that absorbs everything around it.
He doesn’t know yet that he will also be enveloped by this black hole.
Because each of us is born to interact with each other, mutually absorb each other for the sake of our common development.
Black Hole

Director Yavor Rangelov
United States
Runtime 6:28
Completion Date: August 17, 2019
A romantic drama about a man who is willing to do anything for love, because true love has no limits.

Director Isabella Issa
Runtime 3:10
Completion Date: June 4, 2019
A deaf ballerina struggles to keep up with her ballet lesson. When her embarrassment from the other girls overwhelms her, she escapes to find a safe haven under a grand piano. Her teacher plays the instrument and Ashlyn feels its vibrations, discovering music and alleviating her isolation by finally dancing synchronized to the symphony.

Director Cjay Boisclair
Runtime 4:40
Completion Date: June 14, 2019
A lifelong wing-man and serial 'best friend', Ben decides to shake things up with a blind date. When things go awry, will fate step in and save him from forever being friend-zoned?
Stood Up

Director Pamela Falkenberg, Jack Cochran
United States
Runtime 29:59
Completion Date: October 19, 2017
An experimental documental essay, Teddy Roosevelt and Fracking explores the beauty and fragility of the North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana landscapes, contrasting the vastness and stark loneliness of the relatively untouched wild areas with the terrible beauty of the oil derricks, fracking towers, natural gas burn offs, coal mines, machinery, trucks, energy installations, and energy towns -- visual evidence of the recent boom and bust economy that echoes the cattle boom and bust of the 1880's. Teddy’s writings about the landscape and conservation combine with our images, and all this is accompanied by a kind of musical score composed and layered from natural and found sounds, e.g., a song of mourning for the death of Teddy's young wife using mourning doves, meadowlarks, wind, and water; or a song of terrible beauty for the modern day fracking footage, using heavy equipment, machinery creaking in the heat, clanking security gates, and methane flame burn off.